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Mr. Laurie Greyvenstein, t he Director of the Social Justice Foundation and Chairperson of the Social Justice Association of ADR Practitioners (SJA), is pleased to announce that our organizations will be hosting the 5th Annual Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Conference on September 5th and 6th, 2024. This year, we are excited to collaborate with the University of Cape Town Law Faculty for the first time, marking a significant milestone in our efforts to promote ADR practices in the pursuit of social justice.

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The Departments of Justice and Correctional Services and Home Affairs have hit a roadblock in the creation of the new Marriage and Divorce Laws in South Africa – and if it isn’t resolved soon, the country will have a significant legislative mess on its hands.

The Divorce Amendment Bill seeks to amend the Divorce Act of 1997 and provide a legislative framework for Muslim Marriages in South Africa.

The Constitutional Court ruled in June 2022 that the divorce act was unconstitutional as it did not recognise Muslim Marriages.

The ConCourt suspended the constitutional invalidity for 24 months from the date of the order to allow the Cabinet and the President to remedy the issues in the existing legislation.

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The Supreme court of appeal recently ruled in the case of Z versus Z , case number 556/2021 that a parent of an adult dependent child do have locus standi in terms of section 6 of the Divorce Act 70 of 1970 to claim maintenance from other parent for and on behalf of adult dependent child of their marriage upon their divorce.

On the breakdown of a marriage or similar relationship it is mostly mothers who become the custodial parent and have to care for the children. This puts an further financial burden on them and suppresses their ability to acquire remunerative employment. Divorced or separated mothers consequently face the double disadvantage of being weighed down in terms of responsibilities and under-resourced in terms of means. Fathers, on the other hand, continue actively employed and usually become economically enriched. Maintenance payments are for that reason essential to relieve this financial burden.

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Each day there are people heading to family court to lodge personal maintenance claims against partners and/or on behalf of their children. All maintenance claims are governed by the Maintenance Act 99 of 1998, as amended. The Act correlates with all other legislation that speaks to maintenance. The Prescription Act is one of the examples of legislation where the Supreme Court of Appeal in Arcus v Arcus determined that an undertaking to pay maintenance in a divorce order constitutes a ‘judgment debt’ and not just any debt. Therefore, in terms of section 11(a)(ii) a maintenance claim prescribes after 30 years. All other debts are subject to a three year prescription period.

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About Social Justice NPO (165-067NPO)

Social Justice Association of Mediators is a Non-profit Organisation with its head quarters in Cape Town, incorporated in terms of the laws of the Republic of SA.  It renders a variety of services to members of the public and government departments.  It functions with various cost centres, including the membership organisation structure with a subcommittee as its board for the benefit of its members.  The organisation is managed by its Board of Executive members and co-opted members. 


Social Justice Foundation NPO

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Social Justice NPO is home to like-minded individuals with a shared vision and mission to address inequalities in society, various social justice issues by promoting access to justice, restoring justice to a deeply divided society, the rendering access to justice through alternative dispute resolution including mediation, restorative justice & peacemaking and the empowering individuals & communities through education and training.