
’n Nuwe selfoon-app help geskeide ouers om die slaggate van mede-ouerskap te navigeer. Altesame 46% van Suid-Afrika se kinders woon by net een biologiese ouer. In baie van hierdie gevalle beteken dit jy het twee ouers wat in die eerste plek nie met mekaar oor die weg kon kom nie, wat nou oor ’n afstand moet saamwerk om ’n kind of kinders te versorg. Die meeste van hierdie ouers sal ruiterlik erken, dis verskriklik baie gevra.

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Rule 41 was passed by the High Court to encourage mediation and not the immediate course of litigation, which adds adds pressure onto an already strained court system.

Mediation is a round table discussion that can take place with or without an Attorney present for both parties in order to resolve a dispute.

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About Social Justice NPO (165-067NPO)

Social Justice Association of Mediators is a Non-profit Organisation with its head quarters in Cape Town, incorporated in terms of the laws of the Republic of SA.  It renders a variety of services to members of the public and government departments.  It functions with various cost centres, including the membership organisation structure with a subcommittee as its board for the benefit of its members.  The organisation is managed by its Board of Executive members and co-opted members. 


Social Justice Foundation NPO

FNB Account number:
Branch Code:
252645 Menlyn Park

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General Enquiries: admin@socialjustice.org.za
Landline 021 300 6309
and Training Enquiries

Tel 064 800 3975

Our Processes

Social Justice NPO is home to like-minded individuals with a shared vision and mission to address inequalities in society, various social justice issues by promoting access to justice, restoring justice to a deeply divided society, the rendering access to justice through alternative dispute resolution including mediation, restorative justice & peacemaking and the empowering individuals & communities through education and training.